Pitbull belongs to the molosser breed group. American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier and Staffordshire bull terrier are the only real pitbulls that belong to the pitbull breed. In many countries around the world this breed is banned because these dogs have been discriminated due to some of the pitbull attacks. Pitbulls are known to be gentle and loving pets. Bad owners and bad breeders make bad dogs. Sadly, this is happening around the world. Bad breeders are breeding pitbulls as fight dogs. Pitbulls obey their owners and will do anything to please them. There are many dogs that look like pitbull but really they are not. There are many dogs that share some of the characteristics with pitbull like some bull terriers. This dicriminated breed can attackt a human being just like any other dog out there. There have been many reports in media about pitbull attacks. Other dog breed attacks almost never appear to be in the media. There are hundereds of Labrador attacks put there but we almost never hear or read about it. Media is discriminating pitbull breeed. All dogs have potenital to attack and kill. This is in their nature. It is up to owners to train their dogs to be social and not to bite and attack because of fear and unknown. Because of the media people have a bad image about pitbulls. Today, their reputation is really bad. Pitbulls are on the most discriminated dogs in the world. Some of the breeds that attack more than pitbulls include Terriers, Hounds and Retrievers. Some of these dogs have even killed young children and babies. Rotweillers, Japanese Akitas, Preso Canario and Cane Corsos are just some of the dogs that attack many people and probably even more than pit bulls. One breed should not be blamed or disciminated because of what one dog has done. Attacks happen in every dog breed and the only thing that is important is to train and socialize your dog so this kinds of things don't happen. Dicrimination towards pitbulls should be stopped. They are lovely and beautiful dogs. Red nose pitbulls, blue nose and gotti pitbulls are one of the most known kinds. Gotti pitbulls are from the Gotti bloodline. They are one of the most known pitbull blood lines. They resemble the original pitbulls that were brought to USA from England. They are much heavier and shorter than a typical pit. All pitbulls are loyal and like to please us.
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